3 Simple Steps To Create Balance In Your Life

Does life ever feel way too complicated?

Like you're so busy that you can't create a dream life or business and that there's not enough time in the day?

In this video, I'm here to simplify the process of having a balanced life that you LOVE.

I will show you a simple framework for creating a Full Spectrum Life by using The 4 Domains of Life.

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5 Steps To Getting Unstuck

How often do you find yourself feeling stuck?

Have you ever wished for a quick process for getting unstuck?

That's what this video is about. Today I'm giving you 5 steps you can follow that are guaranteed to get you back on track so you can start crushing your goals.

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Overcome Self-Sabotage with 3 Words

Self-sabotage is one of the most common challenges people have in being an entrepreneur (and life.)

In this lesson, I am going to share with you one of the most powerful statements you can say to yourself to autocorrect that limiting mindset.

3 words to change the direction of your thinking which in turn, will change your results.

Want more?

Click here to get your 30-page ebook on building unshakeable confidence.

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The Teller of Life

Will Your Dream Happen? Two Determining Factors.
A middle-aged man walked into a bank. He approached the teller and asked, “Will you cash this check?”
The teller looked at the check. “Well sure, I can cash the check. Just put your name on the back of it, hand it to me, and I will give you the money.”
The man stumbled back and said, “Whoa, wait a minute! I don't want to put my name on the back of that check and hand it to you. You'll be holding my check with my name on it and you might decide not to give me the money.”
“Well Sir, no,” the Teller said, “How it works is you have to put your name on the back of the check before I can give you the...
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Ignite Your Desire

Making the decision to dream big can be a scary endeavor for many people, and yet it’s the exercise that leads us to live a life we absolutely love.
What if we gave ourselves permission to dream beyond our current reality? Where could these thoughts take us?
Taking these three steps can help you begin building your dream life.
1. Honor your discontent.
Discontent is an important signal from our soul that something bigger is seeking to emerge through us. Give yourself permission to enter and explore the realm of your deep desires.
Harness this discontent by letting the dream begin to live in your mind and heart as a true possibility. Notice your body and your emotions. Does the feeling of desire...
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Four Steps to Activating Your Abundance

Good news: you get to choose what kind of life you are going to live!
Some people live ninety years; some people live one year ninety times. You can live a life pushed by discontent and unsettledness, or you can live a life overflowing with abundance. What kind of life are you willing to live?
Step 1: Ask yourself whether you are willing to live in abundance.
There are two houses, one with electricity and one without.
The wires are available to them both, but only those in the lit house have figured out how to hook themselves up.
Those in the lit house are not “lucky.” They are simply plugged into the laws of electricity. In the same way, people who achieve success in life are not...
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Gift of Life

Here’s a great story for you!
A group of scientists who have discovered the secrets of cloning decided they would have a conference with God to tell God He was no longer needed.
Yes, God had created humanity and all of life, in fact, from the very dust of the earth. But now science had taken over the job and God could retire.
So the top scientists in the world gathered together and they called God to a conference having told God, He/She was no longer required.
God said, “Explain this to me.”
They said, “We now know how to make a life out of dust ourselves.”
God said, “Well then, okay, you go ahead and show me how you can do that.”
So they...
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Moving From Impossible To Possible

I came across this powerful true story and wanted to share it with you...
George Danzig was a grad student in mathematics at a time when jobs were very, very difficult to get in the United States.
His math professor, who was the head of the mathematics department, said to the grad students that whoever got the best grade on the final had the opportunity to be hired as his research assistant for the next year.
That job was a plum job. Everybody wanted the job. George said that he studied so hard for that test that he was up until the middle of the night and overslept and was actually late to the test.
But he got there in time to take the test, was handed the test and went to the back of the room. As he was...
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The Power Within You

I’ve heard it said that some people live ninety years and others live one year ninety times. The difference is that those living their years to the fullest are living their dreams. We are all capable of living our dream lives when we open ourselves up to possibilities and opportunities.

We have been trained to look at conditions to determine what the opportunities and possibilities are for our lives, though these conditions can be limiting when viewed with just the five senses.

When we live outside the standard senses and use intuition, imagination, and perception we are able to more clearly see our heart’s desire and the dreams that will bring us the happiness we yearn. We all have an inner voice but it is not one of reason...

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Accessing Your Genius

There was a study done recently at Harvard called the Zero Point study that was a ten-year study on genius.
The genius capacity is demonstrated by certain individuals that bring forth great ideas, transformational thinking, movement, social change, innovative ideas that transform and transpose us to a whole new height of living.
What is this capacity?
The researchers began to define genius as the number of modalities with which one takes in information, synthesizes that information, and makes use of it.
So you and I have many modalities with which we can take in information -- auditorily, visually, kinesthetically, intuitively, etc.
But what they discovered was that 99% of babies—99%...
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