Time Blocking Your Google Calendar For Productivity

Time blocking is the best practice you can do if you want to increase your productivity and live your life with more intention. And what better tool to use than your Google Calendar?


Google Calendar is the best tool to use when time blocking because it allows you to color-code, set reminders, and repeat tasks with the simple click of a button. You can also access your Google Calendar on any device at any time.


But there is a lot of stigma around time blocking. People say they get lost in the setup of time blocking and end up wasting time, that it’s too rigid, it’s overwhelming, and they spend too much time on it.


This is totally understandable, but I’m going to challenge that belief.


Today, I’m going to share with you how I use a fully time-blocked Google Calendar that doesn’t overwhelm me and gives me more structure and freedom in my life and how you can do the same.


Let’s dive in!

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